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BB-8 Arduino and Control

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Here is the code I used for my BB-8. I will explain more in the near future, but I wanted to get up for everyone to check out. I have a total of 4 Arduinos running this system talking over XBEE. One in the controller, one in the Dome, one in Drive System and the last one running the sphere lighting. Tose last two have to be separate as one spins on the sphere and the other in stationary.

Arduino Codes for Download – BB8 Arduino

BB-Tx Controller STL Files – BB-TxControl

STEP BY STEP Controller Guide – Controller Guide

Parts for the BB-Tx Controller
Xbee x1 –
Xbee Adapter x1 –
Analog Stick Large x1 –
Analog Stick Small x2 –
Tac Switches –
1200mah Lithium Battery –
Lithium Charger –
Arduino Pro Mini 16mhz –

FTDI Programmer –