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R2-D2 Electronic Guide

Here is a guide specifically for the electronics for my R2-D2 project. Below are some diagrams of my electronics and here is a guide for my handheld controllers.

R2 Arduino Codes Available HERE

R2 Handheld Controller Guide HERE


Main Body Diagram


Dome Holo Projector Diagram


Parts List

Arduino Uno X3 (

MP3 Music Maker (


XBEE Adapter X2 (

Robo Claw 60×2 (

Robo Claw 2×7 (

Other Parts:


12v Audio Amp

Dome and Drive Motors

 You will need to setup your XBEEs to talk on a different channel than stock, pick a unique one so they dont interfere with others. Also you will need to setup your roboclaw to accept two inputs like I talked about. I believe this is mode 4, but there is a guide when you buy your roboclaw. Other than that, everything should be self explanatory.

2016-05-26 16.20.05

2016-05-26 16.20.29

2016-05-26 16.20.22

2016-05-26 16.20.17

2016-05-26 16.19.55